Program Implementation
The Silent Knowledge program is a 6-week course designed to give participants the tools necessary to break out of the culture of gangsterism and to navigate their communities with a confidence in their own values and passions.
The 5 Core Themes
The self
Participants engage in self-reflection to learn more about their experience with their own identity.
The self and community
Participants reflect on community culture and what role they want to play in their communities.
The self and the school
Participants reflect on who they are as learners, what role school culture plays in their lives, who they are in their school communities.
The self in the wilderness
Although society kills trees, Cape Town is blended and gives space for reintegration into nature and grounding.
The self developing a new skill
Participants develop new skills, creating self-confidence and helping them create healthy goals to work towards. Skills participants develop include surfing, running, hiking, and birdwatching.